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Showing posts from June, 2016

Pumpkinvine Ride in Goshen, IN

On June 18th, my wife and I drove to Goshen to do the annual Pumkinvine ride.  They offer a 50 mile and a 100 mile (actually, 103 mile) ride through Amish country in northern Indiana.  Proceeds benefit the Pumkinvine trail, a paved rail trail that runs between Goshen and Shipshewana, Indiana.  We planned to do the century, my wife's first this year and my first one in nearly three years.  It would also be Kathy's longest ride (a new PR) and my second longest.  As a matter of fact, it's been 25 years since I've done a ride longer than this. We met up with Kelly, a long time friend and frequent riding partner of Kathy.  We left the Elkhart county fairgrounds at 8am with no preconceived notions of average speed and no hurry to finish.  The ride was well marked, but just in case I had downloaded the route to Kathy's Garmin so we had an easy to follow map. The country is beautiful in this part of Indiana.  For the most part, things move a little slower up there